Yesterday I talked about how I often identify with Peter, and today's reading - finishing up Matthew, and beginning Acts I really got a glimpse of how his life was transformed by the Holy Spirit. Peter went from denying Jesus to becoming a powerful preacher of the gospel.
All of which is made possible by the death & resurrection of Jesus. The ultimate sacrifice and act of obedience. As I've read through Matthew you see that Jesus, while being fully God, was fully man. He got hungry. He felt. He cried out to His Father "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" - "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" He felt the sting of being separated from God - Can you relate?
I gave my life to Christ a very young age, 4 or so, but I really began in intimate journey with Him 12 years ago. I go through periods where I feel that sting of separation from my Creator, by no means comparing mine to what Jesus felt - because He did no wrong. I deserve the pain and the consequence of death for being a sinful being. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift from God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." I'm not sure I will ever understand the depths of the grace of God. Even today, as my anger is kindled at the feeling of injustice in the Casey Anthony trial, I think of how she is not beyond God's grace. God rejoices when even one gives thier life to Him - all those parables about lost sheep & coins, and that includes Casey Anthony.
God, I pray that I would take rest in your abundant grace. I pray that I would share that love and grace with others, so that they might taste & see of your goodness. We are all in desperate need of you - our God, Creator, Savior, Redeemer!! I can't fathom that not only do you want to save us from our fate of eternal death and separation from You, you have great things in store for us. Forgive me for not always beleiving that. Your plan for me is far greater than my own. Continue to redeem this broken vessel Lord Jesus.
Between Promises
2 weeks ago
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