Thursday, July 22, 2010


10 days, 5 states, 2 of the greatest grandparents, 1 kidnap-threatening auntie = 1 happy and spoiled baby!!! Will & I just got back from visiting my sister, Shauna, and her husband in Atlanta (Daddy joined us for a few days). We had a great time, and I got to do some things while PoPo watched Will - went to see Eclipse (go Team Edward!), did some outlet mall shopping, and hit up Starbucks! It was a great trip to finish up my maternity leave - only 1 more week left! God has been sweet, and I don't feel like my time has gone too fast. Don't get me wrong, I would love staying home more with my little guy, but I have really enjoyed the time we have had. Enjoy highlights below!

Here are some pics from some spontaneous photo shoots of Will.

Will with his Auntie Shauna & Uncle GW

This was both mine & Will's first time through the Smoky Mountains!


Emma said...

Love the tongue! i wonder where he learned that?........:)

Colleen said...