Friday, May 29, 2009


This week has been absolutely crazy at work! We are getting ready to add another companies accounting work to ours, and they are about the same size as our company. We have doubled the size of our accounting department to accomodate, but between training 2 newbies, and trying to stay on top of my work, the days have been flying by! It's one of those things that I love because my adrenaline is pumping all day, which isn't typical for the accounting profession :) haha

Anywho, Bo & I had a lot of fun last night at a party our friends had called "The JASCARS!" Our friends Josh Coy and Amy Seiffert turn 30 within a couple of months of each other, and they threw this formal party for people to submit 5 minute or less films, in hopes of receiving a JASCAR award at the end of the night. Bo & I went to Goodwill on Wednesday to find some formal getup to wear, which was a lot of fun because we were trying on crazy clothes in the middle of the store.

Josh and Amy introducing the videos.

Bo & I outside the Cla-zel.

Me taking pictures of myself in the car on the way home, and almost causing an accident because the flash was so bright! haha

My Man! Isn't he handsome? I love him! :)

See more pics at